
Too often, when engaging in conversation with clients, we bias towards logical arguments and rely on calls to rationality while ignoring the much more powerful emotional and psychological levels of influence.

This session will help you navigate the psychology of engagement and the three levels of influence. Dan will take you on a journey from the literal to the emotional, and ultimately, to the psychological levers that drive our decision-making and buying behaviours. He’ll also explain how to transform this understanding into persuasive communication that is visual, verbal, behavioural and personal.

  • Understand how to ladder down through the layers of influence from literal to emotional to psychological
  • Learn how to communicate that understanding in a way that feels empathetic rather than manipulative
  • Develop personal communication tools that range from the verbal to the visual and even behavioural
  • Understand how to align your value with their values and define what you are actually “selling”
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